Specialty: Chemistry
Profiling: Innovative chemical materials and technologies
Specialty code: 7-06-0531-01
Term, form of study: 2 years, full-time
Qualification: Master
Language of instruction: Russian
The main modules of the educational program:
- Megatrends of chemical science of the XXI century
- Current trends in the development of chemistry
- Modern inorganic chemistry
- Modern organic chemistry
- Computer chemistry
- Computer modeling of the structure and reactivity of molecules
- Chemoinformatics
- Research work
- Research seminar
- Pedagogical and scientific activity
- Innovative chemical materials
- Innovative chemical technologies
- Physical and bioorganic chemistry
- Modern research in chemistry
Additional types of training
- Philosophy and methodology of science
- Foreign language
- Fundamentals of information technology
The main areas of activity of the master: scientific research and development; technical testing; analysis and certification; production of chemical products; basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products, basic precious and non-ferrous metals; metal processing and coating of metals, pedagogical activity.
Places of employment: scientific organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, industrial and academic research institutes, chemical enterprises (production of plastics, synthetic fibers and fabrics, fertilizers, etc.); educational institutions (schools, colleges, institutes, universities); pulp and paper industry enterprises; mining and processing enterprises; medical institutions, pharmaceutical industry, food, perfume industry, etc.