Specialty: Mathematics and Computer Science
Specialty code: 7-06-0533-04
Term, form of study: 2 years, full-time, part-time
Qualification: Master
Language of instruction: Russian
The main modules of the educational program:
- Statistical analysis and operations research
- Mathematical and applied statistics
- Decision theory
- Mathematical and computer modeling
- Mathematical models in information technologies
- Computer modeling applications
- Research work
- Methodology of mathematical research
- Research seminar
- Pedagogical and scientific activity
- Theoretical foundations of information technology
- Computer simulation
- Modern technologies of data storage and processing
Additional types of training:
- Philosophy and methodology of science
- Foreign language
- Fundamentals of information technology
The main areas of activity of the master: computer programming, information service activities, research and development, teaching activities.
Places of employment: scientific organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, computing and information centers, high-tech centers, research institutes, IT companies, Web studios, manufacturing companies, design bureaus, enterprises of various ministries and departments, government agencies, institutions of higher and secondary education.