- Application addressed to the head of an educational institution, an organization implementing educational programs of postgraduate education.
- A document on approval with the President of the Republic of Belarus, the head of a state body or other state organization of the performance of a dissertation research (for persons specified in paragraph 39 of the Regulations on awarding academic degrees and conferring academic titles in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 17, 2004 N 560 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, N 180, 1/6013; 2011, N 137, 1/13123).
- Personal personnel record sheet <**>.
- Autobiography <**>.
- A copy of the national diploma of the Candidate of Sciences or a document of a foreign state equivalent to it in accordance with the procedure established by law on the award of an academic degree – for citizens of the Republic of Belarus; a copy of the national diploma of the Candidate of Sciences, the national diploma of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or a document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree – for foreign citizens and persons without citizenship.
- A copy of the work record or other documents confirming work experience.
- Application of the organization – the customer of personnel (if available).
- A list and copies of the main published scientific papers on the profile of the proposed dissertation, copies of materials and (or) abstracts of reports at scientific, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposiums and other similar events.
- Monographs, materials related to intellectual property objects registered in accordance with the established procedure, reports on completed research and development, certificates (certificates) on the use of the results of scientific research confirming the practical implementation of the results of scientific research, documents confirming participation in the implementation of state research programs, scientific and technical programs and innovative projects in priority areas scientific research or priority areas of scientific and technical activity (if available).
- A dissertation preparation plan designed to complete the dissertation during the period of study in doctoral studies.
- Reviews of two doctors of sciences whose research areas are close to the topic of the dissertation, containing an assessment of the relevance of the topic, the validity of the proposed plan for the preparation of the dissertation and the possibility of preparing a dissertation during the period of study in doctoral studies.
- Documents giving preferential right for admission to doctoral studies (if available).
- Two photos measuring 4 x 6 cm.
- Medical certificate of health status (for citizens of the Republic of Belarus).
- The conclusion of the medical advisory commission issued by the territorial health organization of the Republic of Belarus (after passing a mandatory medical examination in the direction of an educational institution, an organization implementing educational programs of postgraduate education) (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
- A medical report on the state of health and a certificate of absence of HIV infection issued by the official health authority of the country from which the candidate arrived for doctoral studies (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
- A copy of a passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a compulsory medical insurance contract (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
Foreign citizens and stateless persons entering doctoral studies in accordance with international agreements of the Republic of Belarus, agreements on the implementation of international programs, agreements of educational institutions, organizations of the Republic of Belarus implementing educational programs of postgraduate education with organizations of foreign states (international organizations) or in the direction of organizations of a foreign state, additionally submit a copy of one of the above-mentioned agreements or the direction of the organization of a foreign state.
The above documents executed in a foreign language are simultaneously accompanied by their translation into Belarusian or Russian, certified by a notary.
An identity document, a national diploma of a candidate of sciences, an equivalent document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree, a national diploma of a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or a document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree are presented by the person entering the doctoral program personally.
<*> With the exception of persons entering doctoral studies that train highly qualified scientists for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus, the Investigative Committee, internal affairs bodies, emergency management bodies and units, state security bodies, border service bodies.
<**> Is issued in accordance with the requirements Instructions on the procedure for the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files of employees, approved by the resolution of the Committee on Archives and Records Management under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 2004 No. 2 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 58, 8/10795).