List of documents

Appendix 1
to the resolution
Ministry of Education
of the Republic of Belarus
12.06.2012 N 62



1. Application addressed to the head of an educational institution, an organization implementing educational programs of science-oriented education.
2. Document on approval with the President of the Republic of Belarus, the head of a state body or other state organization of the dissertation research (for persons specified in paragraph 39 of the Regulations on awarding academic Degrees and awarding academic Titles in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 17, 2004 N 560 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic Belarus, 2004, N 180, 1/6013; 2011, N 137, 1/13123).
3. Personal personnel record sheet
4. Autobiography
5. Copies of the diploma of higher education and an extract from the test and examination sheet attached to it, or a copy of the education document confirming the receipt of an education equivalent to the first stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, indicating the disciplines studied and the marks (points) obtained on them.
6. Copies of the master’s diploma and the accompanying extract from the test and examination sheet or a copy of the education document confirming the receipt of an education equivalent to the II stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, indicating the disciplines studied and the marks (points) obtained on them (for citizens of the Republic of Belarus – if available).
7. A copy of the internship certificate (for persons entering graduate school to study in the group of specialties “Clinical Medicine”).
8. A copy of the certificate of passing candidate tests (differentiated tests) and candidate examinations in general education disciplines (for persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher” in full-time or part-time education).
9. Recommendation of the academic council (council) or faculty of a higher education institution (for persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification “Researcher” in the year of higher education in this institution of higher education) or a copy of the work record or other documents confirming work experience (for persons entering graduate school to obtain qualifications “Researcher”).

Persons who have received higher education in the profile of education “Healthcare”, who have been awarded the qualification “Doctor”, upon admission to postgraduate studies of educational institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus implementing educational programs of science-oriented education, in the group of specialties “Clinical Medicine” without training in internship and (or) two years of practical work experience, submit a recommendation agreed with the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

10. Application of the organization – the customer of personnel (if available).
11. A list and copies of published scientific papers, and in their absence – a scientific abstract on the profile of the chosen specialty (for persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher”).
12. Documents confirming participation in the implementation of research and innovation projects, copies of materials and (or) abstracts of reports at scientific, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposiums and other similar events (if available).
13. Conclusion of the scientific seminar of the laboratory (meeting of the department) on the relevance of the topic, the quality and volume of independently performed research on the topic of the prepared dissertation (for persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher” in the form of a job application).
14 Documents giving preferential right for admission to graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher” (if available).
15 Three photos measuring 4 x 6 cm (for persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher” in the form of a job application, and persons entering graduate school to study in the form of a job application in order to pass candidate exams and candidate tests (differentiated tests) in general education disciplines – 2 photos).
16. Medical certificate of health status (for citizens of the Republic of Belarus).
17. The conclusion of the medical advisory commission issued by the territorial health organization of the Republic of Belarus (after passing a mandatory medical examination in the direction of an educational institution, an organization implementing educational programs of science-oriented education) (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
18. Medical report on the state of health and certificate of absence of HIV infection issued by the official health authority of the country from which the candidate arrived for postgraduate studies (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
19. A copy of a passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a compulsory medical insurance contract (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).


Foreign citizens and stateless persons entering graduate school to obtain the qualification of “Researcher” or to study in the form of a job application in order to pass candidate examinations and candidate tests (differentiated tests) in general education disciplines in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, agreements on the implementation of international programs, agreements of educational institutions, organizations of the Republic of Belarus implementing educational programs of science-oriented education, with organizations of foreign states (international organizations) or in the direction of the organization of a foreign state, additionally submit a copy of one of the above-mentioned agreements or the direction of the organization of a foreign state.

The above documents executed in a foreign language are simultaneously accompanied by their translation into Belarusian or Russian, certified by a notary.

The identity document and the originals of the educational documents are presented by the person entering the postgraduate course in person.


<*> Is designed in accordance with the requirements of Instructions on the procedure for the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files of employees, approved by the resolution of the Committee on Archives and Records Management under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 2004 No. 2 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 58, 8/10795).
