
Strategic session “Russia-Belarus. Education. The science. Technology transfer”

Employees of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part in the strategic…

Strategic session “Russia-Belarus

Education. The science.
Technology transfer”.

Employees of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part…

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus

Dear colleagues!

I congratulate you on the Independence…

The University is accredited as a scientific organization

Following the results of accreditation in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee…

The library of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has access to EBS “Aybooks”

Dear library readers!

From June 26 to August 26, you can read books from…

Rector took part in the presentation of a book about crimes during the Great Patriotic War

As part of the implementation of the publishing project “Library of the Union State”, on June 22,…

Congratulations on receiving the Certificate of Honor

The staff of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus congratulates the head of…

Magister ‘s Bulletin

The collection is a publication of scientific works of undergraduates and postgraduates of institutions of higher education…

Employees and undergraduates of the University of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part in the clean-up

As part of the Republican Clean-up on April 22, 2023, employees and undergraduates of the University of…

Methodological aspects of preparation and presentation of scientific work

On 12.04.2023, a scientific and methodological seminar for undergraduates on the topic “Methodological aspects of the preparation…

Round table “Belarus-Russia: Dialogue of cultures”

On April 26, 2023, a round table “Belarus-Russia” was held in an online format:Dialogue of Cultures”…
